Holiday Activities and Food Programme

Aims for Oldham's 2021 HAF Summer Programme.

 The Department for Education (DfE) and Oldham Council would like programmes to provide a wide range of opportunities for eligible children and young people to engage in a summer offer that is local to where they live, and is a combination of:

  • Traditional holiday face-to-face provision (for example, a holiday club) providing a range of activities throughout the day for children; these would be mainly targeted at primary school children (aged 5 to 11) for at least four hours for four days a week per child, for four weeks in the summer. The child could attend your setting for four weeks, or they could combine with other activity providers/organisations. If you would require the children to attend for the full four weeks, please make sure you state this in your application form.
  • An offer targeted at secondary school young people aged 12 - 16 to provide them with a choice of activities they can choose from (for example, a pick and mix offer). This could include ‘open access’ activities that do not require advance booking, providing that the activity is targeted to geographic areas of the highest need for that age group.
  • An offer for children and young people who have SEND; this could include more specialist provision that is exclusively for children with SEND
  • A hot food offer (with all food and snacks meeting school food standards) that is linked with the activities and that include some informal nutritional learning that improves participants’ knowledge and awareness of healthy eating. The hot food offer could be provided through partnering with a local food provider/caterer/café.
  • We acknowledge that there will be occasions when a hot food offer is not possible and, in those circumstances, a cold alternative could be used.
  • Provision could be open to non-eligible children as well as eligible children; we encourage organisations to deliver to a range of children to ensure inclusivity. Please note in these circumstances grant monies can only fund the proportion of your programme costs that will be targeted at the eligible cohort group for the HAF programme.

Opportunities to provide children with specific skills through enriching activities; we would encourage organisations to be innovative and creative in the range of activities and opportunities for learning skills that they provide. 

Who can access HAF Grant Funding

HAF Grant Funding is available to community and voluntary organisations, not-for-profit companies, registered charities, constituted organisations, social enterprises, schools and private companies operating in Oldham.

If your Expression of Interest is successful and as part of the funding process, and to confirm your eligibility to receive public money, you will be required to submit copies of:

  • Constitution or governing document in the case of not-for-profit organisations
  • Equalities and Diversity policy and procedures
  • Safeguarding policy and procedures
  • Public Liability and Employers’ Liability Insurance
  • Accounting or financial information to prove solvency

Organisations must evidence Public Liability and Employers’ Liability insurance cover of a minimum of £5 million in order to gain a HAF fund grant. However, we recommend that organisations carry out checks with venues they intend to hire for HAF purposes regarding venues’ insurance requirements for hiring purposes.

How to apply: Click below for the application form and information/guidance notes. 

The opportunity for organisations to apply for this HAF grant funding will be open from:

Friday 21st May 2021. Applications will close at 09.00 am on Monday 7 June 2021.

Applications should be submitted by email to

A provider briefing session will take place on Thursday 27th May 4.30 – 5.30 via Zoom. Any questions or queries should be e mailed to before the event to ensure they can make the session as supportive and helpful as possible. If you wish to attend this session please email to book your place and submit any questions– you will be then sent the Zoom registration link.

If you are unable to attend, a FAQ document will be devised following Thursdays session and will be disseminated widely.

Application - Guidance notes


Charitable Company
Constituted Group
Registered Charity
Social Enterprise
Unconstituted Group
Funding Theme: 
Children and Young People
Unpublish Date: 
Friday, 21 May, 2021