Meet Camilla Guereca

Meet Camilla Guereca

Camilla Guereca | Chair

Action Together: 

I am proud to be involved with Action Together both as a Trustee for many years and now as Chair of the Board of Trustees- a role I am keen to continue because Action Together is an organisation with strong values - which I apply to all aspects of my life and work within the charity and is an organisation striving to reduce poverty and inequality and advocating for the needs of the sector at a local and Greater Manchester level something I care passionately about. 

Alongside my Chair role and responsibilities I sit on the Finance sub group, Governance sub group and am the Boards representative at Healthwatch steering groups because of my background in health previously working as a NED for Pennine Acute Hospital Trust. 

My attendance record at meetings is excellent. 

Oldham Personal Advocacy Limited: 

Until my retirement 2 years ago I was employed for 15 years as Chief Executive of Oldham Personal Advocacy Limited (OPAL) a registered charity providing advocacy services and activities for people with learning disabilities and autism living in Oldham.  

I reported to the Board of Trustees and was responsible for ensuring that the organisation achieved its mission, vision and strategic plan within a sound governance framework. 

I continue to be involved with OPAL as a Trustee.  

Board Skills and experience 

  • Development of values and strategy for YMCA Training, PAHT, Action Together and OPAL with focus on stakeholder involvement 
  • Involvement in assessment of skills with the Board/ workforce to identify need and development of plans to address recruitment and support for skill development within existing members 
  • Worked closely with the CEO in all organisations either as my line manager or as a Trustee to provide constructive support and challenge where necessary 
  • I endeavour to attend any meeting well prepared having read and considered all information available in advance  

Hobbies and interests: 

I’m a keen but novice gardener and enjoy spending time watching birds and wildlife