Meet Asma

Asma Begum | Volunteer Support Officer

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What is my role? 

My name is Asma, and I am one of the Volunteer Support Officers in the Rochdale Team. My role involves assisting individuals who are seeking volunteering opportunities by connecting them with local groups and businesses that offer such positions. I help these individuals find suitable roles by considering their interests, skills, knowledge, experience, and hobbies. Additionally, I support them in using our system so they can independently apply for volunteering opportunities and determine what roles would be most beneficial and appealing to them.

Another key part of my role is supporting local organisations, communities, charities, social enterprises, and businesses. I work closely with job centres to support people within these organisations in finding suitable volunteer roles. This includes coordinating with workplaces to allow employees to volunteer, whether on a monthly or annual basis, depending on their policies.

What most excites me about this role?

What excites me most about this role is the opportunity to make a tangible difference in people's lives. I love helping individuals on a journey that boosts their confidence, self-esteem, and helps them come out of isolation. Volunteering offers numerous health and personal benefits, something I have experienced firsthand. Having suffered from severe mental health issues in the past, I found that volunteering played a crucial role in my recovery. It provided me with skills, experience, and a transitional space between isolation and employment. This flexibility allowed me to gain knowledge and confidence, establish a routine, and believe in myself.

Seeing others blossom and become confident and empowered is incredibly fulfilling. Working with people and empowering them to use their voices and skills is something I deeply enjoy. Volunteering reconnects individuals with their community, enhancing their well-being in many ways. Now, as part of Action Together, I find immense satisfaction in watching others thrive, knowing that I played a part in their journey.

What drew me to work at Action Together?

What drew me to Action Together is my positive experience with the organisation from multiple angles. I founded my own Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) in 2021, which started as a community group in 2020. Throughout this journey, Action Together provided me with invaluable support. As a member, I received assistance with governance, policies, advocacy, funding, and organisational growth. Their continuous updates, free training sessions, and unwavering support were instrumental in pushing my charity forward.

I later applied to be a trustee of Action Together, to my delight, I was accepted and had the chance to meet other trustees and observe how deeply the organisation cares about its members, communities, staff, and volunteers. Action Together truly lives by its values: 'Believe it's possible', 'Strengthen others', and 'Be true'. They have consistently demonstrated these principles in their work with me, my organisation, and other groups.

After years of volunteering, I felt ready to apply for the role of Volunteer Support Officer. I was particularly attracted to Action Together’s values, their ethical approach, and their genuine care for employees. As a single mom, I appreciate their flexibility and understanding of staff's diverse life responsibilities.

When I found out I got the job, I was thrilled and overjoyed. I am excited to give my all in this role and continue making a positive impact through Action Together.

My hopes for Rochdale are...

My hope for Rochdale is that it becomes a safe place for women, girls, and families. I want Rochdale to openly address difficult and stigmatized topics, creating a community that is unafraid to discuss important issues. I also hope that local authorities can develop strong relationships with the voluntary and community (VC) and faith and social care (FSC) sectors. Rather than working separately, these entities should collaborate and help everyone accept each other's experiences.

Additionally, I hope we can help people build their confidence, resilience, and self-esteem so they can make independent choices and have a brighter future. I envision a community where people feel more connected through volunteering, leading some to pursue further education or employment, or simply gain valuable life lessons. Ultimately, I hope we can build a foundation for the next generation to thrive.