Heywood Towns Fund - community engagement grants


The government has released £20 million to help regenerate Heywood. Every Heywood resident gets to have a say on what the money should be spent on and decisions will be made by local community leaders.

Action Together have a small allocation of funding to support voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise (VCFSE) groups to engage the people you support in how the money should be used to improve Heywood for its residents.

You can do this in any way you want - by running a creative workshop, holding focus group or just staying for an extra hour at the end of your usual session and having a facilitated group discussion. Successful groups will receive a list of discussion questions and we will ask you to submit a summary of the group's responses. 

The focus groups must be carried out, with feedback submitted, before the 9th of June. Each group will receive a £300 grant - £150 up front and £150 once you submit a write up of your group's conversation.

Who can apply: 

  • you are a voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise (VCFSE) group; and 
  • you are a member of Action Together CIO (you can register for free to become a member here
  • you must be locally rooted and already delivering activities in Heywood

Grant amount: All successful groups will receive payment of £300 to cover costs such as staff time, volunteer expenses, venue hire, refreshments, creative materials, etc. £150 will be paid once you have submitted your expression of interest form and £150 on completion.

Application process:

Expression of Interest form - please fill out a short expression of interest form and submit it to hayley.tomlinson@actiontogether.org.uk

If you need any support in filling out the form or planning your focus group, you can contact Fi on fi.oakes@actiontogether.org.uk 

All successful groups will receive additional support and information to help you run your discussion. 

Deadline: Sunday the 2nd of June 

The focus groups must be carried out, with feedback submitted before the Sunday 9th of June.

Contact information: 

For more information, please either call 0161 339 2345 and ask for Hayley Tomlinson or please email: hayley.tomlinson@actiontogether.org.uk  

up to £1000
Charitable Company
Constituted Group
Registered Charity
Social Enterprise
Unconstituted Group
Funding Theme: 
Unpublish Date: 
Sunday, 2 June, 2024