Costco and United Way UK - Give Local 2024/25

Aims/priorities: Through its annual Give Local Grants scheme, United Way UK aims to support small, local organisations working hard to help people within their own communities.

As part of its strategy, United Way UK will support organisations that provide programmes and services that align with its strategic priorities. These priorities are long-term solutions addressing one of the following needs:

  • Education – including but not limited to early childhood development, school readiness and success, out of school learning opportunities, soft skills development.
  • Income stability – including but not limited to job training, access to employment, support to obtain employment, advancing financial literacy.
  • Health – including but not limited to mental health support, hunger prevention, access to housing.

In offering these Give Local grants, United Way UK seeks organisations that have the potential to be long-term partners in its work.

Who can apply? Community based, local organisations with an average annual income of £300,000 or less can apply.

Organisations with a charitable purpose, but who are not registered charities will be considered, but may be subject to additional checks.

There is particular interest in applications from all local charities who are continuing to provide invaluable support on the frontline of disadvantaged communities.

Grant amount: In 2024, the programme will provide 30 grants of £1,500 each.

One grant will be awarded per organisation per geographic region.

All funds should be used by 19 January 2025.

Application process: Funds are expected to be transferred in October. All funds should be used and reported on by 19 January 2025. A short report form will be sent to charities awarded the grant. 

An online application form is available from the United Way UK website.

Deadline: Saturday 31 August 2024.

Contact information: Email:

Website: About Us — United Way UK

£1000.01 to £10,000
Charitable Company
Constituted Group
Partnerships and Consortiums
Registered Charity
Social Enterprise
Funding Theme: 
Children and Young People
Education and Skills
Health and Wellbeing
Unpublish Date: 
Saturday, 31 August, 2024