Asda Foundation - Investing in Spaces and Places Grant

Aims/priorities: The annual Investing in Spaces and Places Grant is aimed at local groups who are working to improve spaces in the heart of their local community. Applications are encouraged from groups who:

  • Are located in an area of deprivation.
  • Are inclusive and encourage diversity.
  • Are tackling food poverty.
  • Are tackling local crime/anti-social behaviour.
  • Have a positive environmental impact.

Who can apply? Applications are accepted from grassroots, community-led organisations in the UK, including registered charities, CICs, companies, unincorporated club or association, small community groups or government entity/public body.

To be eligible, applicants must:

  • Be not-for-profit.
  • Have an annual income of less than £100,000.
  • Have two years of accounts.
  • A safeguarding policy.
  • Have community groups of people as their end beneficiaries.
  • Have a presence locally with work that benefits their local community.
  • Have a bank account in the group’s name and be able to provide proof.
  • Have suitable governance to be able to manage the grant.
  • Have the ability to report back on progress throughout the project.
  • Be able to show clear positive impacts for communities.
  • Have a visible local presence.

To be eligible, applicants must either:

  • Own and have full responsibility for the upkeep and maintenance of the building/space; or
  • Have a lease of over five years and full responsibility for upkeep and maintenance.

The funder is looking for groups that are:

  • Committed to the community mission.
  • People centred and promote equality, inclusivity and diversity.
  • Efficiently run.
  • Locally focused with spaces that are focused on the local community, delivering services and support to multiple beneficiaries.

Grant amount: For 2024, £1 million is available to community groups.

Grants between £10,000 and £25,000 are available.

Application process: Application forms are available at the Asda Foundation website: applicants can check eligibility and will then be directed to the Foundation's Grant Management System to complete the application form. Governing documents, safeguarding policies, bank statements and financial accounts must also be submitted.

The scheme may close early if demand for funding is high.

Deadline: Sunday 28 July 2024.

Contact information: Groups should contact Asda Foundation for further information.

Website: Our Grants | Asda Foundation

£10,000.01 to £25,000
Charitable Company
Constituted Group
Registered Charity
Social Enterprise
Funding Theme: 
Unpublish Date: 
Sunday, 28 July, 2024