Introduction To Community Organising (Part One)

The course lasts for six hours, split across 2 sessions Via Zoom. The National Academy of Community Organising is a collective of local organisations and independent trainers that provide quality assured training and support for people interested in community organising and are delivering 2 new courses.

This course is a starting point for anybody who is interested in community organising. It will help you begin to understand what community organising involves and what it looks like in the real world. You will be introduced to the foundations of community organising, listening, power, and action.

Community organisers reach out and listen to people, then connect and motivate them to build their collective power.  In this course, you will start to explore how people come together so that they can understand and take action on their concerns to build community and overcome social injustice.

You will learn about:

  • what community organising is
  • the importance of listening to build relationships and explore issues
  • power in communities and why it matters
  • what motivates people to act
  • how to take your next steps in community organising
24th October, 2024 from 10:00 AM to  1:00 PM
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