Rochdale Network - September

The Rochdale Network (formally known as the Prevention Network) is a space to build relationships between community groups and frontline workers who care about the wellbeing of people in their neighbourhood. Together we will have a stronger voice to influence local decisions and tackle issues together.

We want to welcome anyone who cares about Health and Wellbeing and is passionate about making sure that what you see happening in your community is shared with those who make decisions.

This space will be incredibly useful for frontline workers and VCFSE across the sectors and the insight shared in the networks is going to be fed directly into Neighbourhood Partnership Boards to inform local decision making.

For our September Celebration, we invite you to come along and…

📰 Bring your good news stories

📣 Share the exciting projects you are working on

🎂 Enjoy refreshments

For more information on the Neighbourhood Networks, please click here

25th September, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Deeplish Community Centre
59 Hare St
Rochdale, OL11 1JT
Phone: 07507057692
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