Action Together - Rochdale Celebration Event & Strategy Launch

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A celebration event for the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise Sector (VCFSE) in the Rochdale borough.

Action Together in Rochdale cordially invite you to join them for 4 hours of celebrations at Middleton Arena.

The event will be a chance to showcase some of the excellent work that takes place in the Rochdale VCFSE sector and also an opportunity for us to talk about our successful tender and our new Action Together Strategy for 2023-2028.

Please join the Rochdale Action Together Team and CEO Liz Windsor-Welsh for this exciting celebratory event to celebrate all things VCFSE that take place in Rochdale borough.

The event will take place at Middleton Arena, Lcpl Joel Halliwell VC Way, Middleton.  M24 1AG



9th March, 2023 from 10:00 AM to  2:00 PM
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