Aims/priorities: Grants are available for Black-led grassroot organisations and projects in the UK who are working to eliminate barriers to progress for women and girls in the Black community and driving for long-term systemic change. There is particular interest in applications from any organisations that have an innovative and creative approach to the way they engage Black women and girls in their community. The projects funded should meaningfully involve the women and/or girls they support to reach their full potential and break down barriers to success. Dove is not looking for the best written application but the most compelling.
The funding is for projects that:
Help create lasting change in the lives of Black women and/or girls.
Aim to celebrate and empower Black women and/or girls and eliminate barriers to success.
Address one or more of the following issues//needs:
- Appearance based prejudice and discrimination
- Education and vocational training
- Emotional or Psychological health
- Empowerment
- Individual growth and success
- Leadership and career planning
- Mentorship
- Advocacy
Who can apply? Organisations already established as social enterprises, charities or community projects and that are engaged in impactful work in their community can apply.
To be eligible, applicants must:
- Be UK-based grassroots organisations and/or programmes that are led by people who identify as Black/Black-mixed race.
- Be able to demonstrate the impact of the funding and their methods and ability to monitor and evaluate the project.
Priority will be given to organisations that have a strong focus on the empowerment of Black women and girls. However, consideration will be given to organisations that are not women-centric but that are actively engaging projects/initiatives that will directly impact the advancement of Black women and/or girls.
Grant amount: Up to £20,000.
Application process: The online application form and guidance notes are available at the Crown UK Fund website.
Deadline: 21 January 2021 (5pm).
Contact information: CROWN UK Fund team - Tel 020 7198 8374, Email
Website address: The CROWN UK Fund