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In this issue:

Our current surveys

We have two open surveys:

The surveys are on our website at

If anyone would prefer a paper copy of either survey, please give us a call on 0161 667 2526. Leave a message on our answerphone and we will call you back. We can also complete surveys over the phone. Or you can email your request to

If you would like us to attend a community group or venue to talk to people about their experiences, please get in touch as above.

Thank you

Patient Experience Library - waiting lists tracker

The Patient Experience Library waiting list tracker brings you the latest data on waiting times for elective care across England, in an easy to use format.
You can compare Trusts and services with one another, or with the England average. 

If you would like to search for information about your local hospital, have a look at

CQC - learning disability and autistic people hospital report

The Care Quality Commission have published a report on the experiences of being in hospital for people with a learning disability and autistic people. 

This report is part of their programme of work to improve services for people with a learning disability and autistic people.

To find out more, and read the report, see

Research - short-sightedness in children

Do you have a child who is short-sighted, or think they may become short-sighted in the future?

Staff at the University of Bradford want to hear your (and your children’s) views on short-sightedness. They have an online discussion group running on Tuesday 29th November 6:30-8:30pm, which will give you information about what short-sightedness is, why it happens, and what methods can be used to stop it getting worse.

The discussion group is open to UK residents and includes children up to the age of 18. If interested, please follow this link:

Should you have any questions, or are interested but cannot attend this date, please email to be considered for future meetings. 

Community organisation activities

Here are the links to find out what is happening at venues around Tameside. If you run a centre, or an organisation, and would like your programme to be included in a future ebulletin, please see and complete the form at the bottom of the page.

Anthony Seddon Fund - a peer support mental health charity providing a safe environment for you to come and chat. For more information see

Being There -  a Greater Manchester charity who support people living with life limiting conditions such as strokes, cancer, heart or respiratory conditions. They also support those closest to them such as families and carers. Services are available to anyone living in Tameside with a life limiting condition. More information can be found at

Forget Me Not Buddies - A social and support group run by carers and volunteers for people diagnosed with dementia and their carers. They meet in Denton on a Monday afternoon. They have produced a video telling the Buddies' story which can be found pinned to the top of their Facebook page at

COVID-19 - winter vaccinations

Invitations are being sent to people who are eligible for their booster Covid vaccinations (in the same order as the first jabs). When you receive your invitation, you will receive information about booking an appointment in Tameside. The national Covid centres are also open. For more information, and to see who is eligible, see and

Information about the Covid autumn booster can be found at

A leaflet has been produced for adults with suspected or confirmed coronavirus who have not been admitted to hospital. You can read it at

For people with symptoms of respiratory illness, including COVID-19, there is information about what to do here

For information about the current rules and guidance see


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Healthwatch Tameside

131 Katherine Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, OL6 7AW
Part of the Action Together family

t: 0161 667 2526
19 kipling road
Manchester, OL14LT
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Registered Charity in England & Wales (1165512).

Healthwatch is the new independent consumer champion created to gather and represent the views of the public. Healthwatch will play a role at both national and local level and will make sure that the views of the public and people who use services are taken into account.

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