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In this issue:

If you have feedback about these topics, or any recent experiences about health or care services you think we should know about, give Healthwatch Tameside a call on 0161 667 2526. Or email

If you want to give us your feedback via one of our surveys, please go to

Thank you.

Just published 

Our latest report has been uploaded to our website, and shared with providers and commissioners of services.

It looks at all the feedback we received in the responses to our General survey between August 2021 and March 2022.

What was good? What changes would help make experiences better?

You can read the report at

New manager job advert

Our current manager, Peter Denton, is moving to a new role within Action Together.

Could you be our new manager?

Do you know someone who would be good at the job?

Find out more at

The closing date is only a few days away - 1 August 2022.


We have recently posted our paper newsletter to anyone on the distribution list who has not provided an email address.

For information, you can read the digital version at

 GM Big Disability survey

The Greater Manchester Disabled People’s Panel is made up of 15 Disabled People’s organisations, run by and for disabled people. ('Disabled' includes anyone facing disabling societal barriers due to their impairments or conditions and this includes mental health, hearing or visual impairments, learning disability, neurodiverse people, and those with chronic illness or fatigue.)

More information, and the survey itself, can be found at

Tameside Hospital PLACE assessment

The Trust are looking for a group of volunteers to support their upcoming Patient-Led Assessments of the Care Environment (PLACE) Programme.

PLACE assessments are an annual appraisal of the non-clinical aspects of NHS and independent/private healthcare settings, undertaken by teams made up of staff and members of the public (known as patient assessors). They provide a framework for assessing quality against common guidelines and standards in order to quantify the environment's cleanliness, food and hydration provision, the extent to which the provision of care with privacy and dignity is supported, and whether the premises are equipped to meet the needs of people with dementia or with a disability.

The assessment will be taking place on 15th September 2022 and volunteers will be required from 7.30am - 1.00pm (breakfast will be provided). Volunteers will be assigned to various areas and will work in small groups with other members of staff. There might be quite a lot of walking but nothing too strenuous.

The assessment is inspecting the areas and ticking boxes on a form. There will be a training day 1-2 weeks before the assessment. Volunteers would support this assessment throughout the year as it is likely that 'spot checks' will be needed later.

If you are interested, or would like to know more, please contact Tameside Hospital volunteering office on 0161 922 5335.


NHS England and NHS Improvement have written to the council and outlined plans for an autumn booster programme to increase population immunity and protection against severe COVID-19 disease, hospitalisation and death over the winter. The interim information is available at

A leaflet has been produced for adults with suspected or confirmed coronavirus who have not been admitted to hospital. You can read it at

For people with symptoms of respiratory illness, including COVID-19, there is information about what to do here

For up-to-date information about the latest rules and guidance see

There are regular vaccination hubs around the borough. If you would like more information about the location and opening times for each, see  


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Healthwatch Tameside

131 Katherine Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, OL6 7AW
Part of the Action Together family

t: 0161 667 2526
19 kipling road
Manchester, OL14LT
e: w:

Registered Charity in England & Wales (1165512).

Healthwatch is the new independent consumer champion created to gather and represent the views of the public. Healthwatch will play a role at both national and local level and will make sure that the views of the public and people who use services are taken into account.

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