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In this issue:

If you have feedback about these topics, or any recent experiences about health or care services you think we should know about, give Healthwatch Tameside a call on 0161 667 2526. Or email

Thank you.

Healthwatch colour block

New Healthwatch surveys

We have closed our older surveys and have three new ones to share with you.

  1. General survey about using health and care services
  2. Survey for users of mental health services and/or their carers
  3. NHS111 survey for the Greater Manchester area

Information about these new surveys can be found on our website at, along with the links to complete each survey.

If you would prefer to complete a survey over the phone, or on paper, please give us a call on 0161 667 2526.

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Day time services consultation

Over the last twelve months Tameside Council has reviewed its provision of daytime activities across Adult Social Care. This work has produced a high level strategy which aims to provide a clear set of principles and actions to support the continued development of daytime opportunities in Tameside.

The Council is keen to consult on its plans in relation to daytime opportunities. You can complete a survey here to provide your views.  This survey will close on 24 August 2021.

For more information have a look at

TechKnow logo
Tameside TechKnow Festival

Just a reminder.

TechKnow is being launched with a week long festival of activities and events across the borough for all age groups taking place from the 9th to the 14th August 2021.

There’s something for everyone to try from getting started and staying safe online, discovering the creative uses of technology to building your skills to manage your health, career or business online. You might simply just want to learn how to connect with new people or have some fun.

For more information see

Maybe you are worried about using technology. Or maybe you don't want to use it. Healthwatch Tameside will be at the Festival on Saturday 14th August, on Ashton market place. Pop along to see us, and tell us your concerns about health and care services.


Don't delay. Grab your Covid-19 jab and get your summer sorted. It's easy.


For up-to-date information about the latest rules and guidance see

There are regular vaccination hubs around the borough, and additional pop-up clinics. More information about the location and opening times for each, see

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Healthwatch Tameside

131 Katherine Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, OL6 7AW
Part of the Action Together family

t: 0161 667 2526
19 kipling road
Manchester, OL14LT
e: w:

Registered Charity in England & Wales (1165512).

Healthwatch is the new independent consumer champion created to gather and represent the views of the public. Healthwatch will play a role at both national and local level and will make sure that the views of the public and people who use services are taken into account.

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