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In this issue:

If you have feedback about these topics, or any recent experiences about health or care services you think we should know about, give Healthwatch Tameside a call on 0161 667 2526. Or email

Thank you.

COVID vaccination survey

Healthwatch Tameside have a new survey.

We want to know what you think.

There's also a chance to tell us about your experience of using (or trying to use) any health and care services recently.

The survey is open until 12 March 2021 and can be found at

Thank you for helping us.

Mental Health Banner

Every Mind Matters

The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has meant that life has changed for all of us for a while. It may cause you or your loved ones to feel anxious, stressed, worried or frustrated. It’s important to remember it is OK to feel this way and that everyone reacts differently.

In support of Public Health England’s Every Mind Matters campaign ‘Make Inside Feel Better’, NHS Tameside and Glossop Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) wants adults, especially those most at risk of mental health problems, to create a free NHS-approved Mind Plan’ (a quick and free interactive tool offering tailored mental well-being advice) and to access the support available on their website.

Research shows that since the start of the pandemic there has been an increase in a range of mental health conditions for adults, from low wellbeing, sleep problems and anxiety to depression. 

Dr Asad Ali, Co-Chair at NHS Tameside and Glossop CCG, said: “There are lots of things we can all do to look after our own mental health and help others, to prevent anxious, stressed, worried or frustrated feelings from becoming more serious. When things aren’t so good out there, make inside feel better – that’s the message we want to get across to local people in our communities.”

Healthy Young Minds A child and adolescent mental health service

Healthy Young Minds

Tameside and Glossop Healthy Young Minds (HYM) would like people to complete this survey if they have experience of the HYM service. You could be a young person who has used the service, a family member or carer of someone who has used the service, or a professional who refers people into the service. This is to help them understand your experience of the service and ways in which they might improve their support.

The link to the survey is

Empowered conversations

Online communication courses for family carers of people living with dementia in Greater Manchester.

These courses offer a space to reflect, share, learn and connect.

Be well Tameside  Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust

New Year New You

Did you know the Be Well team can help if you want free lifestyle support around stopping smoking, eating healthier, weight management and physical activity?

Have a look at their website or this leaflet.

Covid-19 vaccine. The NHS will get in touch when it's your turn.

COVID-19 vaccinations

Information about the new vaccine is available at , and

If you receive a letter inviting you to one of the national vaccination centres, please do not panic if this is too far to travel. You will also be invited to receive the vaccination closer to home by your GP, and it is OK to wait for this.

The vaccination is free - you will not be asked for payment or for your bank details. Watch out for scammers, please.

Additional information can be found on the government website at

Tameside COVID-19 Rapid testing Are you eligible?

COVID-19 update

Rapid testing - this is targeted COVID-19 Rapid Testing for key workers with no symptoms. More information is available at

For information on the latest restrictions for Tameside, local support, advice and service changes, visit:

A leaflet has been produced by the NHS about keeping safe whilst isolating at home -

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Healthwatch Tameside

131 Katherine Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, OL6 7AW
Part of the Action Together family

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Manchester, OL14LT
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Registered Charity in England & Wales (1165512).

Healthwatch is the new independent consumer champion created to gather and represent the views of the public. Healthwatch will play a role at both national and local level and will make sure that the views of the public and people who use services are taken into account.

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