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In this issue:

If you have feedback about these topics, or any recent experiences about health or care services you think we should know about, give Healthwatch Tameside a call on 0161 667 2526. Or email

Thank you.

Workplan priorities

Every spring, Healthwatch thinks about what topics are important for us to work on in the coming year. We base this on feedback we’ve had from local people in the past year and on things that local health and care services tell us they will be looking at.

We would like you to look at the topics and tell us which you think are most important. We don’t have the resources to work on all of them so your feedback will help our board to decide which ones to focus on.

We have a short survey available which will give you an opportunity to tell us what your preferences would be. Please complete the survey at

The closing date is 19 February 2021.

What can your NHS dentist do for you?

We are hearing from people who are having difficulty finding an NHS dentist able to provide treatment at the moment. All the local Healthwatch across the country are hearing the same messages.

The NHS have produced a leaflet about what NHS dentists can offer. This can be found at

Activities during lockdown

During the first lockdown we included information about local activities you could do to keep active or busy. Here are some activities we have been made aware of during this third lockdown.

Tameside library - for information about the services being offered, and virtual activities via Zoom have a look at their website

Tameside culture - for ideas of activities to keep you busy, have a look at

Information for young people - this page has been written for teenagers and young people living in Tameside -

Cancer UK survey

Building on the findings from a survey they ran earlier this year, Cancer UK are running a new survey exploring the impact of COVID-19 further.  By taking part you can help them learn more about the longer-term impact of COVID-19 on cancer patients and help inform the work Cancer Research UK does now and in the future. 

For more information, and access to the survey, see

NWAS Patient and Public Panel

North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) confirms its first Patient and Public Panel (PPP) is now up and running. The PPP gives patients and the public an opportunity to share their views and help shape NWAS’ emergency, patient transport and 111 services. Would you like to be involved too?

Have a look at the website for more information

Covid-19 vaccine. The NHS will get in touch when it's your turn.

COVID-19 vaccinations

Information about the new vaccine is available at and   If you receive a letter inviting you to one of the national vaccination centres, please do not panic if this is too far to travel. You will also be invited to receive the vaccination closer to home by your GP, and it is OK to wait for this.

Additional information can be found on the government website at

Beware of a scam concerning COVID vaccines. People are calling older residents about the Covid-19 vaccination which, they state, will be administered at home and making bogus appointments allowing them access to peoples homes. In some cases they have also been asking for payment for the vaccine in order to jump the queue. This is a scam. Please share this with anybody you feel may be at risk and ensure that they are aware that they will never be asked for money for the vaccine, and will not be asked for their bank account details. If they are unsure, it is wise to check with the official guidance, their GP or another health care professional.

COVID-19 update

For information on the latest restrictions for Tameside, local support, advice and service changes, visit:

A leaflet has been produced by the NHS about keeping safe whilst isolating at home -

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Healthwatch Tameside

131 Katherine Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, OL6 7AW
Part of the Action Together family

t: 0161 667 2526
19 kipling road
Manchester, OL14LT
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Registered Charity in England & Wales (1165512).

Healthwatch is the new independent consumer champion created to gather and represent the views of the public. Healthwatch will play a role at both national and local level and will make sure that the views of the public and people who use services are taken into account.

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