In this issue:

If you have feedback about these topics, or any recent experiences about health or care services you think we should know about, give Healthwatch Tameside a call on 0161 667 2526. Or email

Thank you.

What do you think?

We have been running a COVID-19 survey for some time now. It is likely to be closed before the end of the year - more details to follow.

With a second lockdown in place, it would be great if you could let us know what you think about:

All these questions and more are included in our survey. The survey can be completed online at

Paper copies of the survey can be provided for people who prefer pen and paper, with a FREEPOST envelope for return. Please call us on 0161 667 2526 to ask for a copy. We can also arrange to call you to complete the survey over the phone.

If you have completed the survey before, perhaps during the first lockdown, and now have more you want to say, it's OK to complete it again.

Thank you.

Keeping busy

During the first lockdown, we provided information about different types of activities you could take part in.

During this second lockdown, we have been made aware of the following:

Tameside Libraries Virtual Library Club and Readers Club - more information is available on the library website at

Made by Mortals - Armchair Adventures - see their website for details at

Greater Sport - Moving at home - for website links to different types of exercise see

Tameside’s Super Six Walk Challenge Tracker - is aimed at anyone over the age of 50 or those who have been shielding over lockdown, but could be used by anyone. It encourages users to add the exercises to the start and end of their walks, or at any rest points, using benches, trees or walls for support. More information is available at



Last week we heard in the news about how busy the North West Ambulance Service are at the moment. There are high volumes of calls and long waits at A & E departments.

Please continue to call 999 in an emergency. However, if you need advice, but it is not an emergency, please contact your GP, or get in touch with NHS 111 instead.

NWAS have published their Autumn magazine. This can be read at

Health services during lockdown

GP practices - Face-to-face appointments have been limited to those who require an examination in person. This helps to stop the spread of coronavirus but there are still others ways you can access your GP practice. The clinical advice and support will not be affected by how you access them. It is vital that you continue to access the right treatment and advice during lockdown – especially for cancer symptoms, long term health conditions and unwell children that can’t be treated through self care. For more information see

Pharmacies - Pharmacies are very busy at the moment. You are being asked to only order/buy the medicines you need and to only use the pharmacy delivery service if you have no other means of collection via family, friends, neighbours or a local volunteer. This will help the service and system focus on the more vulnerable people in our communities. Repeat prescriptions can be ordered using the NHS App or the GP Online Service. For more information see

Self care - treatment for common conditions such as an acute sore throat, infrequent cold sores of the lip, conjunctivitis, coughs, colds and nasal congestion can be obtained from your pharmacist. Following NHS England’s guidance advising GPs to stop routinely prescribing over the counter medicines for 35 common conditions, the advice is to contact a pharmacist first. For more information see

Help Us, Help You

Today NHS England and NHS Improvement, together with Public Health England, are launching the ‘Abdominal Cancers’ phase of the ‘Help Us, Help You’ campaign.

The campaign highlights that symptoms such as diarrhoea, feeling bloated or discomfort in the tummy area for three weeks or more could be signs of abdominal cancer and encourages anyone who has any of these tummy troubles to speak to their GP. 

While it’s probably nothing serious, any of these symptoms could be an indication of something that needs treatment. If it is cancer, finding it early makes it more treatable and can save lives.

Your NHS is here to see you, safely. Help Us, Help You.

Just speak to your GP.

Visit for more information.

COVID testing sites in Tameside - November

The locations and times for the testing stations can be found on the Tameside Council website at


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Healthwatch Tameside

131 Katherine Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, OL6 7AW
Part of the Action Together family

t: 0161 667 2526
19 kipling road
Manchester, OL14LT
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Registered Charity in England & Wales (1165512).

Healthwatch is the new independent consumer champion created to gather and represent the views of the public. Healthwatch will play a role at both national and local level and will make sure that the views of the public and people who use services are taken into account.

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