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 In this issue:

  • Tell us your story
  • COVID-19 (coronavirus) guidance 
  • Keeping busy 
  • Other resources

Tell us your story 

It is more important than ever that the experiences of people needing to use any health or care services is collected. We all appreciate what the NHS and care workers are doing at the moment, so let's tell them what you're thinking. Do you have compliments, or ideas for improvements, or things that haven't quite worked for you? We can pass the information on for you (anonymously). 

Tell us your story - Our phone number is 0161 667 2526 or email us on info@healthwatchtameside.co.uk or complete our survey at www.healthwatchtameside.co.uk/our-survey

Care homes - do you know someone who is living in a care home? During this time of visitors not being allowed, we need to make sure the residents are not forgotten. Do you have a good news story to tell? Are your friends/relatives happy? Or maybe you would like us to know about something you would like to see changed? Please get in touch with Healthwatch, using the contact details above.

Areas of concern can also be reported directly to the Care Quality Commission www.cqc.org.uk/give-feedback-on-care?referer=promoblock 

Community Groups and charities - we have recently heard from Reubens Retreat www.reubensretreat.org/ , Marie Curie www.mariecurie.org.uk/ and Diabetes UK www.diabetes.org.uk/ explaining how they are carrying on with their work, and what they are finding difficult. More information is available on their websites.

Are you involved with a community group or charity working in Tameside? Give us an update on what's happening in your group, and we'll give you a mention in next week's ebulletin - info@healthwatchtameside.co.uk . Also, if you are in contact with your members, please pass on our details, so they can feed back to us about their own experiences.

Information/signposting - if you need help with health or care queries, please get in touch with your questions. We'll do our best to help.

Please follow us on our Twitter account @HealthwatchTame, where we will post information from trusted sources.


COVID-19 (coronavirus) guidance 

The guidance is still changing on a regular basis. Here are some trusted websites you can look at, to get up-to-date information:

Tameside Mental Health - www.tameside.gov.uk/coronavirus/mentalhealth

Tameside & Glossop Clinical Commissioning Group - www.tamesideandglossopccg.org/

Government website - www.gov.uk/coronavirus

Tameside Council website - www.tameside.gov.uk/coronavirus   If you have further queries, or need help while self-isolating, the number to ring is 0161 342 8355.

NHS website - www.nhs.uk/health-at-home/


Keeping busy 

During the last few weeks we have provided links to activities that could be done at home. Here is another selection:

Indoor activities for kids - Change 4 Life have information on their web page www.nhs.uk/change4life/activities/indoor-activities

Gym-free workouts - choose the level of activity that suits your current fitness - www.nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/gym-free-workouts/

Age UK activities - here are some quizzes and puzzles, and a programme of chair-based exercises www.ageuk.org.uk/tameside/about-us/news/articles/2020/help-during-self-isolation/

Tameside parks - learn about the history of our local parks www.tameside.gov.uk/parks

Tameside Arts - a weekly programme of online activities using Facebook www.facebook.com/createkeepintouch

Other resources

Free online counselling for children - this service has been extended to include Tameside and Glossop. See press release at www.tamesideandglossopccg.org/news/free-online-counselling-now-available-for-children

Action Togethersupport and information to voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise (VCFSE) organisations can be found on their website www.actiontogether.org.uk/covid-19  This link also includes information about volunteering - Action Together are co-ordinating the volunteer response in Tameside. 

NHS Complaints - this information is for anyone who is part way through making a complaint, or thinking about doing so. There are some delays to the process at the moment, as explained in the attached article on the Healthwatch Devon website healthwatchdevon.co.uk/news/nhs-complaints-paused/

Tameside Women and their Families Centre - whilst the centre is closed, you can still use their website https://support.jigsawhomes.org.uk/information-article/women-and-their-families/   This includes a link to a Wellbeing at Home resource pack-  https://support.jigsawhomes.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/13/2019/07/Well-Being-at-home-pack.pdf

Citizen's Advice Tameside - still providing advice to people, but by phone and not face-to-face. Contact details can be found on their website www.tamesidecab.org.uk/


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Healthwatch Tameside

131 Katherine Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, OL6 7AW
Part of the Action Together family

t: 0161 667 2526
19 kipling road
Manchester, OL14LT
e: info@healthwatchtameside.co.uk w: www.healthwatchtameside.co.uk

Registered Charity in England & Wales (1165512).

Healthwatch is the new independent consumer champion created to gather and represent the views of the public. Healthwatch will play a role at both national and local level and will make sure that the views of the public and people who use services are taken into account.

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