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 In this issue:

  • Healthwatch Tameside 
  • COVID-19 (coronavirus) guidance - keep up-to-date
  • Keeping busy
  • Other resources
  • General information

Healthwatch Tameside  

Healthwatch Tameside is still open, although staff are working from home (on their usual part-time basis). 

Here is a quote from Sir Robert Francis (chair of Healthwatch England) taken from his email to all staff around the country - 'With the NHS focussing its resources to combat the spread of COVID-19, the role Healthwatch plays in alerting services and stakeholders to potential patient safety issues is also key. I sense that as the crisis unfolds our role will become increasingly important. All those who depend on the health and social care sector need a voice in these challenging times. We are an important channel through which they can be heard.'

Tell us your story - we would love to hear how you are coping, if you live in Tameside. Are you somebody who is self-isolating (because you are ill, or to keep you safe), a carer, somebody who is working from home and/or social distancing, or maybe you are a key worker? Whoever you are, if you have news to share about living through COVID-19 restrictions, please get in touch.

We can pass on (anonymously) to the people in charge of Tameside services, what is working for you, and any ideas you have that would help people more.

Our phone number is 0161 667 2526 or email us on info@healthwatchtameside.co.uk

Information/signposting - if you need help with health or care queries, get in touch.

Please follow us on our Twitter account @HealthwatchTame, where we will post information from trusted sources.


COVID-19 (coronavirus) guidance - keep up-to-date

The guidance is still changing daily. Here are some trusted websites you can look at, to get up-to-date information:

Government website - www.gov.uk/coronavirus

Tameside Council website - www.tameside.gov.uk/coronavirus   If you have further queries, or need help while self-isolating, the number to ring is 0161 342 8355.

NHS website - www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/ 

Government - mental wellbeing of children and young people - www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-guidance-on-supporting-children-and-young-peoples-mental-health-and-wellbeing

Easy Read Guide from Public Health England - https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/874281/COVID-19_easy_read.pdf

Children's Commissioner - have put together a children's guide to coronavirus www.childrenscommissioner.gov.uk/publication/childrens-guide-to-coronavirus/



Keeping busy

Last week we provided links to activities that could be done at home. Here is another selection:

Henshaws - whilst these tips are written for chidren and young people with a vision impairment, many of the suggestions work equally well for sighted children www.henshaws.org.uk/ideas-for-keeping-your-visually-impaired-child-entertained-and-educated-at-home/

Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust - a variety of advice provided, including activities and exercise www.gmmh.nhs.uk/coronaviruswellbeing

King Lear Prizes - do you know any budding creative artists (stories, poetry, plays, art, music) who are over 70 and bored at home? Here is a competition which they might enjoy www.kinglearprizes.org.uk/

Zoo webcams - although you can't actually go to the zoo, some have set up webcams so you can watch a selection of their animals. If you have a favourite zoo, check out their website for information.

Musical fun for the whole family - led by Tameside Music Service, and using items found around the home, the lessons will encourage viewers to play along in a fun, accessible, and engaging way.  https://public.tameside.gov.uk/pressreleases/f1030pressreleasestory107.asp?story=2100&keyword=

Exercise at home - different types of activity for all levels of fitness (including absolute beginner) on the NHS website www.nhs.uk/conditions/nhs-fitness-studio/?tabname=aerobic-exercise

Other resources

Action Togethersupport and information to voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise (VCFSE) organisations can be found on their website www.actiontogether.org.uk/covid-19  This link also includes information about volunteering - Action Together are co-ordinating the volunteer response in Tameside. 

Alzheimer's Society - beware of scams - www.alzheimers.org.uk/blog/coronavirus-covid-19-scams-people-affected-dementia

Pennine Care self-help leaflets - www.selfhelpguides.ntw.nhs.uk/penninecare/

Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults - Waltham Council have produced a 3 minute video for volunteers about safeguarding www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHQG8CJROhU&feature=youtu.be  Please share with anyone you know who is volunteering in any way at the moment.

Silvercord local churches are working in partnership to offer temporary befriending across Tameside and Glossop over the Covid-19 period. This is to respond to the impact of isolation. Regular phone calls are on offer. The number to ring for support is 0333 772 1939.   


General information

The following information is not about coronavirus:

Partnership Engagement Network (PEN) conference 7 February - the notes from the conference can be found at www.tameside.gov.uk/TamesideMBC/media/democraticservices/PEN-Report-Feb-2020.pdf

Care Quality Commission (CQC) - due to COVID-19, the programme of routine visits to service providers has been suspended. However, the CQC are still monitoring them using data and information, and will still visit if they think there's a risk of harm or abuse. Experiences you see or hear about are therefore more important than ever. Please report your feedback about services you've used or worked at directly to CQC, or get in touch with Healthwatch Tameside at info@healthwatchtameside.co.uk

National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) - find out what is happening at NIHR in Manchester at www.bepartofresearch.nihr.ac.uk/


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Healthwatch Tameside

131 Katherine Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, OL6 7AW
Part of the Action Together family

t: 0161 667 2526
19 kipling road
Manchester, OL14LT
e: info@healthwatchtameside.co.uk w: www.healthwatchtameside.co.uk

Registered Charity in England & Wales (1165512).

Healthwatch is the new independent consumer champion created to gather and represent the views of the public. Healthwatch will play a role at both national and local level and will make sure that the views of the public and people who use services are taken into account.

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