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 In this issue:

  • Healthwatch care surveys
  • Pharmacist roles
  • Healthwatch England reports
  • Have your say on......
  • Care Quality Commission reports


Healthwatch care surveys

Time is running out to complete these surveys!

If you haven't had chance to look yet, are you able to help us in the last few days before they close? We appreciate they are not relevant to everyone.

The surveys are about:

•          Home care

•          Residential care (temporary or permanent)

•          Experience of being a carer or family member of someone receiving care

They can be completed online at http://www.healthwatchtameside.co.uk/social-care-survey or people can ring up on 0161 667 2526 or email info@healthwatchtameside.co.uk and we will post out paper copies with a FREEPOST envelope for return.

Can you help us by telling us about your experiences, or those of a family member? Please get in touch, or complete the surveys online. Thank you

Pharmacist roles

Many Greater Manchester community pharmacies have signed up to a new national scheme, which will see patient consultations booked via NHS 111 for the very first time.

Pharmacists can provide quick access to medical expertise, offering advice on all sorts of minor illnesses or help if someone needs an urgent supply of prescription medication. 

A same day consultation with a local pharmacist can be booked via NHS 111.

For more information see www.gmhsc.org.uk/news/greater-manchester-community-pharmacists/



Healthwatch England reports

Healthwatch England have recently published the following reports, based on information collected from around England:

Hospitals need to do more to show people how they learn from complaints

What people want from the next ten years of the NHS


Have your say on.......

The Partnership Engagement Network (PEN) will be three years old this year. Since 2017 there have been seven PEN conferences and monthly update emails to keep the PEN family up to date with consultation and engagement news. Through PEN there has been engagement with over 500 partners, patients, service users and members of the public to date.

To keep PEN relevant, informative and useful as a way for the public, partners and stakeholders to influence services, you are being asked for your views on what you like about PEN and how it can be developed further. Please complete the survey at: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/PENnextsteps

Any feedback you provide will be greatly appreciated. The survey will close on 28 February.


Care Quality Commission reports

These reports have been issued by the Care Quality Commission since our last ebulletin. Clicking on the links will take you to the relevant CQC website page.

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Healthwatch Tameside

131 Katherine Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, OL6 7AW
Part of the Action Together family

t: 0161 667 2526
19 kipling road
Manchester, OL14LT
e: info@healthwatchtameside.co.uk w: www.healthwatchtameside.co.uk

Registered Charity in England & Wales (1165512).

Healthwatch is the new independent consumer champion created to gather and represent the views of the public. Healthwatch will play a role at both national and local level and will make sure that the views of the public and people who use services are taken into account.

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