Challenge Povery Week 12 - 18 October 2020

Challenge Poverty Week England and Wales
Published date: 
Tuesday, 22nd September 2020

The launch of the first Challenge Poverty Week in England and Wales is only a few weeks away. This is a fantastic opportunity for people all over England and Wales to stand up and highlight the need to tackle poverty in their communities. I would really appreciate you sharing information about the event with partners or on your website, following us on social media and getting involved by running your own or partnership event.

What is Challenge Poverty Week?

We all want to live in a compassionate society, where we look out for one another and where nobody is cut adrift. The coronavirus pandemic this year has shown that - amid the uncertainty, communities have come together with a renewed neighbourly kindness. The pandemic also highlighted and intensified the inequalities in our society.

However, as we navigate these choppy waters, and plan for life after the storm, our society has a chance to do things differently. We can harness the compassion, community and connectedness that we have cherished in recent months, and say ‘enough’ to the systems and structures that have hamstrung so many people for so long.

Challenge Poverty Week is an opportunity to highlight the incredible work being done by community groups around the country, and to show what can and must be done differently. It’s an opportunity for voices that are often ignored to be heard loud and clear. It’s a chance to show that a better, more compassionate society is possible – and that there’s no better time than now to start making it a reality.

How Can We Get Involved?

Connect with us on Social Media - follow us and use the hashtag #ChallengePovertyWeek and #TogetherWeCan during the week. Sharing and retweeting to help other people get involved will help draw attention to both the solutions and the issues affecting communities. You can follow and like Challenge Poverty Week to find out about the partnership events on:

Twitter –
Facebook –
Instagram –

Run a Challenge Poverty Week Event

We want the week to be a time for celebration about how people and organisations have come together during this time to support one another, a chance to hear from people who have been most affected in our communities, and to talk about how we continue to work together to challenge poverty. We are running some events about how to get involved and will be sharing a toolkit with editable resources and graphics to help you make the most of your event which we would love for you to attend.

  • Initial briefings: 1pm on September 23rd.

Find out more about Challenge Poverty Week and how you can get involved. Note, this is the same event being held twice.

Sign up:

  • How to run a successful Zoom event: 1pm on September 30th

Learn practical tips on how to run a Zoom event as the host, including screen-sharing, bringing in other participants, and managing the chat board.

Sign up:

  • Social media and digital storytelling: 1pm on October 7th

Learn how to best use different social media platforms, and how to tell stories online so they have maximum impact.

Sign up:


If there are additional issues or ideas you would like practical help with, email