Bee Scout Badge

Bee Scout Badge
Published date: 
Wednesday, 14th June 2017

After Broadoak Explorer Scout Leader, Doug Pepper, and the Greater Manchester East County Commissioner, Steve Holloway, discovered Scout Leader Darah Burke, his wife and daughter were hospitalised following the terrorist attack at the Ariana Grande concertthey teamed up with Claire Jarvis and the county team to come up with the Bee badge.

The Bee badge was designed and advertised on 1st Facebook Scout Group and within an hour over 10,000 were ordered. To date over 80,000 have been ordered from Scouts from all over the world. The badge costs £1 with 80p going to the Manchester attack charity.

Scouts can wear the badge on their right arm with their Greater Manchester East badge.

The first badge was presented to Andy Burnham, the Greater Manchester Mayor, by the Greater Manchester West County Commissioner, Andy Farrell. The second badges were presented to 8 year old Saffie-Rose Roussos's Brownie Pack and the third were given to 6th Ashton Scouts, in which Darah Burke is Scout Leader, by the the Greater Manchester East County Commissioner, Steve Holloway.

Steve, said: "I was flabbergasted by the generosity of the worldwide Scout family in buying so many Bee badges."

Darah and his wife Ann had taken their daughter, Catherine, a fan of Ariana Grande to the concert and were caught in the blast. All received serious injuries, with Darah ending up at Bolton Hospital and Ann and Catherine ending up in Manchester Royal. They all have had many surgeries with 10 year old, Catherine, being the worst injured and now deaf in one ear. While in hospital they missed their twin boys 18th birthday and their wedding anniversary. They are all out of hospital now and slowly getting better and over the trauma of the terrible attack on innocent young people.

Alan Fish, from Scouts, said: "On behalf of Scouts, I wish Darah and his family a speedy recovery, and also all the other families affected by this terrible attack."